- Does anyone know how I can reply to comments??
(Thanks to anyone that can help!)
Anyways..I feel like I haven't updated in forever, but um, I may or may not have been buried in snow.
My town set the record for second highest snow fall in the state, 29 inches! Wednesday morning I fueled up with protein pancakes and headed out to part the snow sea that was my front yard. The snow was up to my thighs and my job was turning this:
Into this:

Just looking at these pictures again makes my spine want to crumble and my arms drop off. I kept running out of places to pile the snow that I was shoveling! When I was done with that I had to dig out the beast:
My favorite part was chopping, aka beating the crap out of, the big pile of snow to get it to crumble in order to snowblow it. It was like the winter versions of doing these:
So awesome! Excellent way to get out a little anger too ;). You can't tell me I'm the only one who gets enjoyment out of beating snow with a metal shovel, can ya?! :) Needless to say, I was WIPED when I was done..and famished. I ate like a savage when I got in the house..seriously. I won't go into details but there were no forks involved, just me and some leftover turkey ;)
I checked my Body Media and I had burned 600 calories during this endeavor. That explains my turkey savagery.. Speaking of bodymedia and my love affair with it...I've been eating what it's been telling me I burn (right around 2,000+ calories/day) and I've been able to up some weights at the gym, I have more energy and I no longer get hungry so often. Win, Win! The only downside is that holy hell I am SO stuffed all.the.time and I usually run out of stuff to eat. It's all good, though..so far.
Since it's crazy cold all over the country, (we hit 0 degrees this morning!) I need to share with you a couple skinsavers of mine.
Burt's Bees Almond Milk Hand Creme. Incredible. It smells like marzipan and is totally my jam for dry hands and elbows. I wouldn't expect anything less from Burt, whoever he may be.
Victoria's Secret Drenched in Pink lotion. Enough said. Even better I got this 50% off. The majority of the body sprays, perfumes and lotions I use are VS. I can't get enough!
So, I'm halfway done with my internship and so far it has been so rewarding and motivating, not to mention fun and I've learned a ton. I have three clients that I've been training so far and yesterday I taught my barbell-based strength class (definitely nerve-wracking, but I did it!) Each person has told the owner after their session how hard I worked them and this morning I was (nicely) referred to as a slavedriver! (I told Steve about it and he told me that must have been my shining moment. He knows me.)
I think it's safe to say I'm doing what I'm supposed to! My homework so far has been studying these:
Has anyone ever tried either of these? I only watched the TRX one so far and I can't wait to try it. It's all bodyweight stuff and it seems like an incredible workout for your core. The P90x commercials look intense and I have been dying to see what it's all about so I'm so stoked to have it in my possession for the week.
On the other hand, I am completely and shamelessly addicted to sweet potatoes mashed with almond milk. (Have you noticed all my dinner pics include sweet taters and green beans? I have a problem.) The chicken on the plate is baked and topped with hummus and taboulle. That's about as exciting as it gets..
Dirt Talk;
- Have you ever done an internship? How did it work out..did ya get the job? (Hopefully I do..)
- How do you get yourself out of a food rut?!
Gosh everything you posted about food is exactly me! I'm doing the same with the bodymedia and man am I full.. I'm never really hungry! But I have so much energy and am sleeping better.. I think our stomachs will adapt eventually!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm in a food rut too. I've been trying to make some new foods but then the rest of the meals I'm stuck! haha
Oh, and my sister has a blogspot and she doesn't know how to reply either so she usually just leaves a comment and writes in it who she is replying to!
...Good idea :)
ReplyDeleteNow that you mention it, I'm definitely sleeping better too! I don't know how I ever lived without the bodymedia haha.